The big picture

  • ERC has a unique patented cell-based immunotherapy approach which treats tumours by directly stimulating the patient’s immune system, using whole cells and lysates of autologous (from the patient him/herself) and allogeneic tumour cells (from other patients). 
  • This therapeutic technology has been patented at the international level under the reference PCT/EP2007/050807 (WO/2007/085648). 
  • The vaccine has shown breakthrough performance on compassionate patients suffering from aggressive brain tumours (Glioblastoma Multiforme - GBM). Several patients have shown a regression of the tumour and some, a total disappearance. 
  • Our product outperforms any known standard medical treatment.


  • +45 Patients treated
  • Most have exceeded the survival expectancy under recurrent tumors of 6.5 months average under standard treatment
  • Orphan drug status from EMA and FDA

Our vision

Our mission for an unmet medical need

Our vaccines uniqueness outperforms any existing cancer treatment methods
  • A non intrusive treatment for patients (out-patient status)
  • Easy administration (intra-dermal administration performed by a physician)
  • Perceptible cancer cell destruction after a minimum of 2 weeks
  • Survival expectancy increased, and in a number of cases, total remission has been observed
  • Cost efficient production costs and facilities
  • First in class solution
  • Patented vaccines

Supported by major Health institutions (Dana Farber Harvard, University of Southern California,…)

Therapeutic approach – ERC’s competitive advantage

Since 2012, this innovative therapeutic treatment is confirmed through the compassionate use of a certain number of patients and notably in the US upon the relative FDA Phase I approvals. These developments increased the interest towards compassionate use in several institutions and hospitals in Europe, USA, South Africa, and Australia whereas ERC with the local collaborators currently conduct all the necessary preparatory work for the respective market authorisations.

Recent progress in immunology has made it possible to stimulate lymphocytes to identify and selectively target tumour cells expressing tumour associated antigens (TAA). The field of cancer immunotherapy has become highly active recently with a number of companies developing cancer vaccines based on dendritic cell protocols, where a person’s own extracted immune cells are primed in a test tube with purified tumour antigens or patient’s own tumour cells. These approaches have had limited success; for example, Dendreon’s dendritic cell vaccine, Provenge®, received US marketing approval after demonstrating a 4-month increase in the survival for prostate cancer patients.

Strategic & clinical roadmap

Q4 2014

Q1 2015

Q2 2015

Q3 2015

Q4 2015

Q1 2016







Q2/Q3 – 2019




Interesting facts about ERC

  • We will move production facility to USA by end of 2024.
  • We operate our own production facility in the Netherlands.
  • We run our own fully authorised tissue bank.   
  • Our current production facility has the capacity to treat 14000 patients/year.
  • We have the possibility to outsource to an additional production facility in France to cover an extra 4.000 patients/ year if necessary. We are looking to collaborate with an additional production facility in North America.
  • During Q2-2020 and after recruiting +/- 40 patients in the Phase II clinical trial, ERC intends to initiate the request for getting a fast track authorisation approval for the USA.
  • ERC expects controlled commercialisation of Gliovac/ERC1671/SITOIGANAP starting mid-2021.
  • During Q2- 2020, ERC is developing a clinical study for its product “COVIDVAC” against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 coronavirus) in the USA

Apostolos StathopoulosCreative Commons License
Apostolos Stathopoulos, CEO, by Epitopoietic Corporation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Prominent cancer specialists talk about erc

“It is in my opinion that the current study using your product – Gliovac/ERC1671/SITOIGANAP – holds a potentially greater promise than any of the other recurrent GMB studies currently being conducted. The initial results on recurrent glioblastoma patients, treated with ERC1671/SITOIGANAP under compassionate use agreements are more than impressive. A 6-month overall survival(OS-6) of 100 % is unheard of in this patient group. Although a small number, this data is highly significant, and makes a convincing case for the future of your treatment”

Daniela Bota, 3rd of October 2016 – University of Southern California 


"...As you know, the effectiveness of most cancer vaccines that have been evaluated until recently is limited…"
"...Your approach with ERC1671/SITOIGANAP incorporating whole killed cells as well as cell lysates obtained from patient-specific tumours as well of those of allogeneic donors with the same diagnosis, represents a highly innovative and very promising strategy for the immunotherapy of glioblastoma as well as other cancers…"
"...Thus, I wish to confirm my enthusiasm for the Center for Neuro-Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to join as a collaborative site for your clinical trial, for the Treatment of recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme..."
Reardon David A, 31 january 2015 - Harvard University 
…we here at the Brain Tumor Program at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute are very interested in working with ERC on the on both ERC1671/SITOIGANAP and the GBM6 vaccine..."
Okada Hidaho, 14 december 2012 - University of Pittsburgh



During the years since incorporation, ERC Belgium SA developed a strong network with medical companies, research institutions and universities across Europe and the USA in order to manage the clinical research and reach sufficient number of patients. Moreover, the company continues to work on building strong reputation and relationships with the regulatory authorities and agencies.

The strategic planning of ERC over the next 10 years has a primary objective to enlarge the therapeutic solutions portfolio of the company. Ambition of its management is broader than simply the completion of the GBM’s ERC- 1671 clinical trials and of the subsequent commercialisation of the vaccine. Therefore, ERC’s BoD works on the expansion of the therapeutic solutions portfolio of the company not only onto other types of cancer such as the Lung Cancer (SCLC – Small Cell Lung Cancer), the Pontine Glioma and Pancreas but also on other more business oriented actions. Ultimate objectives of such endeavours are activity expansion through a more versatile business model that should enhance the company’s activity diversification resulting to greater value creation for the shareholders.
During the years since incorporation, ERC Belgium SA developed a strong network with medical companies, research institutions and universities across Europe and the USA in order to manage the clinical research and reach sufficient number of patients. Moreover, the company continues to work on building strong reputation and relationships with the regulatory authorities and agencies.

The strategic planning of ERC over the next 10 years has