Dear All, Dear Shareholders,
After spending 15 years with ERC, I feel very privileged to be writing this message as the chief executive officer and president of the group.
This is a special time in our company’s history as we celebrate our 15th anniversary. We have spent the past decade continuing to build our brand, which has now become synonymous with our success of Innovation, our commitment to helping our patients share our knowledge to our scientists and regulators and create innovation to the highest level.
As a company, we have seen much change over the past 15 years. For example:
We have nearly doubled our workforce.
We have become the leading provider and after my knowledge we are the only immunotherapy fast track approved and recognized by the FDA against Glioblastoma.
We have expanded our presence. We have collaborators in Europe, North America, and Middle East.
It is also important to note what has not changed, Excellence in Everything, Leadership by Example, Integrity and Transparency, Focus on the Client and Employee Centered.
This year we are focused on accelerating the execution of our growth strategy. We will help our clients to share knowledge and create innovation. We celebrate the creation of ERC Pharma together. We will bring positive change to the communities in which we work and live.
I am very proud to be together and share this journey and truly believe the best is to come.
I share with you my best wishes for Christmas and the happiest peaceful, prosperity, and healthy new year for 2024 to you to our patients and our families.
With my best regards,
Apostolos Stathopoulos MD, PhD
CEO and President of ERC